While Heirloom Replica Windows are made to be identical to your existing windows from the inside and out, some of our designs can be significantly different from the original traditional window in several respects - primarily sash thickness. Because we have designed each product line to be easy to install - there is no single step in the installation that would be beyond the ability of a DIY homeowner with moderate skills. There are however, several steps involved in the process.
As would be expected, there are three installation options - DIY installation, Contractor installation, or, under the right logistic scenarios, installation by Heirloom Windows. Of course, regardless of who is doing the installation, Heirloom will provide full technical support.
As one can see in the illustration, there is a significant difference in the thickness of the sash of the Magnum vs the traditional window and necessarily also the jamb. The traditional sash are 1 3/8" and the Magnum Replica Sash are over 1 7/8". The traditional jambs are 3 1/4" thick ID, whereas the Magnum jamb liner has a 4" ID.
We have designed the Magnums to be installed by a moderately skilled and confident Do-It-Yourselfer, or his contractor. We provide detailed instructions and tech support accessible, by phone or e-mail. Quite honestly, almost anyone who can read a tape measurer and has the proper tools can do it. There is no task involved that is particularly difficult, but there are several tasks. Therefore, we estimate that it takes 100 - 120 minutes to install a Magnum after the first one or two (learning curve).
Since, rather than on site labor, manufacturing and fabrication are our fortes, we encourage our clients to either consider DIY installation or hiring a contractor. This is usually a less expensive option.However, when necessary, we can provide installation services. Our charge for installation is a fixed rate per window plus travel, which is dependent on proximity of the project to our plant in Crawfordsville, IN. We will always install our product at our standard installation rates in Montgomery County Indiana. For projects outside Montgomery County, a charge of $1.00 per mile round trip for every 3.5 windows in the project (how many we typically finish per day) will apply. At some point that formula becomes prohibitive, and then trip plus per diem charges must be considered for over night stays.